Wednesday, July 21, 2010

First social meet-up Sunday, July 25th!

We’re holding out first social meet-up at 6 p.m. Sunday July 25 at the Federal Way Regional Library. We’ll be in Meeting Room One. There will be tasty refreshments! Be sure to get directions online, because there are two libraries in Federal Way! (mapquest it, google it, etc.)

Please bring as many gay and lesbian friends as possible! The more people who know about us the more of a difference we can make. If you have business cards bring them for the card exchange bowl, great for networking. I'll hold on to them after the event and bring them to the next one.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Guest column and (not very nice) letter proving why we need this group. And why you should help it grow!

I recently wrote a guest column for the Federal Way Mirror which you can view here:

A few days later someone wrote this (not very nice) letter to the paper:

Pandering to the gay lifestyleFederal Way letters

I have lived in Federal Way for over 30 years and raised a family here. One of the main reasons I chose Federal Way over a larger city like Seattle was precisely because Federal Way did not pander to gays and their perverted lifestyle with gay bathhouses, gay bars and dykes on bikes parades.

For Tyler Young (opinion, July 10) to demand part of the city's income be spent on gays so he can have a date in Federal Way rather than going all the way to Seattle is nonsense. Gays taking over the library so they can celebrate their perverted lifestyle is beyond nonsense. Will they be trying to recruit youth using the library to their perversion?

Instead of printing this person's letter in the paper, you would have done more for the community to advise him to move to Seattle where he could pursue his quest for "dates" with gay abandon. I'll even buy him a bike he can ride in the parade. Oh, and a dress too if he wants to play dress up with his steam bath buddies. Just get out of Federal Way and don't come back.

T. J. Brown, Federal Way

Monday, July 5, 2010

Daniel Skelton celebrity appearance!

Actor Daniel Skelton is going to be doing a celebrity appearance for us. He is planning to visit Seattle in August and will be coming then. Be sure to check him out as the lead role Casey in the movie "Eating Out: All You Can Eat". This is the third (and best) movie in the series. Don't worry about getting caught up, you don't need to watch the other movies to understand this one.

I'm really excited about him coming here, add us on facebook to get updates about his appearance and other events. Just search facebook for: Gay in Federal Way

- Tyler Young (founder/commmunity organizer)